Yellow Dog Adventures
Yellow Dog Adventures
"Yellow Dog Adventures" is a vibrant Neo-expressionist painting that captures the whimsical essence of a cartoon dog caught in a moment of profound curiosity.
Painting combines lively cartoon aesthetics with expressive gestures, capturing the joy of simple moments. It encourages viewers to embrace their own sense of curiosity and embark on personal quests for discovery and wonder.
The premium quality 100% polyester canvas stretches across a 0.75” pinewood frame. It's the perfect base for printing in crisp, vibrant colors.
.: Material: 100% polyester (canvas), 100% pinewood (frame)
.: Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts
.: Small QR codes on the back
.: NB! Does not include mounting hardware
.: NB! Due to canvas production specifics, the design placement might shift for 1-3 mm and can stretch over the canvas edges